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  • Spandana Araga

Beyond the Healing effects of Transcendental Meditation

Multiple scientific studies have been done about the health and wellbeing benefits of Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the results are well documented with graphs and statistical proofs of how the practice of TM can help with everything from stress and high blood pressure to depression. These studies will appeal to many and certainly it looked impressive to me too when I saw them in an introductory presentation on Transcendental Meditation in Rishikesh.

A Female Watching Sunset

However, let me tell you a less publicized yet interesting, and by no means an insignificant fact. The healing effects of Transcendental Meditation are but a side effect! While a happy welcome side effect, they are merely the crumbs of the main dish to be enjoyed.


How The Healing Happens

Transcendental Meditation springs from ancient wisdom which has been transmitted from the wise sages of India, through a lineage of teachers and great beings such as Adi Shankaracharya, Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi's Guru) and finally from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who propounded TM in its modern format, to the world today. The original sages are supposed to have received this knowledge in deep meditation, and the wisdom transcends anything that medical science and modern psychology is able to come close to.

The best way I can find to explain how this works, is to use an analogy by Maharishi himself. Imagine a tree with a few leaves rotting. The gardener could try to address each leaf and heal it individually, but new rotting leaves will continue to pop up and this would prove to be an endless quest for the gardener.

A Gardener cutting grass

Many modern medicinal techniques or psychological methods designed to address disease or trauma are often like this gardener. They suffer from a lack of understanding of the connection between mind, body and consciousness.


The ancient wisdom on which TM is based has at the heart of it- the supreme knowledge of Consciousness, and its relation to the mind and body which we inhabit. If equipped with this wisdom, the smart gardener will use their limited time and resources to nourish the root of the tree. This will take care of not just the few rotting leaves, but will allow the tree to grow to its full potential and bear fruits.


A Woman Watering Plants

In Ayurveda (the health science which is also based on this ancient wisdom from the Vedas), they talk of the digestive fire. Many health problems begin with poor digestion, and an Ayurvedic doctor will often prescribe herbs and lifestyle changes to bring back the digestive fire into balance.


A well-balanced digestive fire can remedy many diseases. Similarly our minds have a digestive fire too. A strong digestive fire in the mind can digest all the negative impressions (traumas) and problems of the mind (like anger, sadness, envy, jealousy, delusion, excessive desire or pride).

We do not need to recall and address each trauma separately. TM serves to improve this metaphorical digestive fire of both the mind and body.

The Main Dish

I may appear to be making a somewhat radical statement when I say that the health, wellbeing and healing effects one may experience from the practice of Transcendental Meditation are merely the crumbs of the main dish, that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi meant to serve us.


Anyone who has heard a few of this great sage’s knowledge talks will already have an inkling of what I mean though. This supreme knowledge and method was delivered to us, not just to have a healthy body and peaceful mind.


This knowledge is to deliver us to the realization of our true nature, our highest self. Some philosophies call it Nirvana, others Moksha and it can be translated as Liberation- the ultimate freedom.


If this sounds too far-reaching. Let me introduce a synonymous word to convey the same concept: Happiness.

The Pursuit of Happiness

 We all have several pursuits or goals in life.


It could be the pursuit for security- a home, some money to get by, a career or a way to make that money, family and friends around you, a healthy body.


It could be the pursuit of our wants or desires- a bigger home, a bigger car, a vacation occasionally, something to entertain us, artistic pursuits, sports, a certain fame or standing in society, a particular job title or desire to be the best in something.


It could be the pursuit of doing what’s right, doing your duty as a parent/ spouse/ son/daughter/ employee, giving back to society, helping those less fortunate, fighting social injustice.


Why do we pursue the things we do? Why do we have the desires we do? When you really enquire into any of the human pursuits- it boils down to a simple thing- the pursuit of happiness.

A Baby Playing with a Baloon

And if I ask you, do you want to be happy now or happy tomorrow? You will likely say you want to be happy all the time! Are you looking for a little happiness or a lot of happiness? A lot would certainly be nice, you would likely agree.


 We are all looking for unlimited, permanent, lasting peace and happiness! This is what the scriptures and great sages refer to as Moksha. Moksha is realizing one’s true nature as Bliss itself.


Realizing I am Sat, Chit, Ananda- the nature of absolute existence, absolute consciousness and absolute bliss. A bliss beyond any happiness we can experience due to external objects- knowing it to be my intrinsic nature, not dependent on anything else.


The Ultimate Benefit

A Man's Silhouette with Nature

That’s the Main Dish, that Maharishi’s supreme knowledge is meant to deliver to us. It’s not a hindrance if you are not after Moksha. I certainly wasn’t seeking any such elusive and lofty goal. My inspiration to take up the practice of TM came from an elderly neighbor and friend who had been doing the practice for 40 plus years. He seemed to have a quality of contentment, peace and happiness about him which was incredibly compelling.


Hence, I received the instruction and started doing the practice which I found to be joyfully effortless. At the same time, I continued to listen to the teachings of Maharishi and other great teachers from the lineage of Adi Shankaracharya speaking of this supreme wisdom.


 I credit the combination of exposing myself to the knowledge, together with the practice for the transformational effect which followed. Over time, I found myself healthier, happier, more peaceful and content.


Subsequently, I learnt the TM Advance Techniques and the TM Sidhi program, and the benefits I was getting seemed to increase manifold. I received expanded support of nature in all my pursuits- the things I wanted were coming to me effortlessly.


External circumstances had reduced capacity to disturb me and when the disturbance did occur- the road back to equanimity was swift. My ability to focus and efficiency in any work I undertook increased. I was able to identify my purpose and live more in alignment to fulfill it.


To get the ultimate liberation, there must be an ardent desire for it, it is said in the scriptures. Perhaps in time you may come to want this absolute bliss for yourself. However, in the interim, if you are looking for just a little peace and happiness in life, this method can deliver that too. 


Another great teacher of Advaita Vedanta, Swami Paramarthananda says if you give a hungry man food, he doesn’t need to finish the meal to satiate his hunger; the hunger begins to subside even while he is in the process of finishing the meal.


Each practice session of TM and every knowledge lecture of Maharishi or teachers of the lineage you listen to will take you closer to the goal of ultimate freedom and happiness -whether you currently want it or not!



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Transcendental Meditation opens the awareness to the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies
deep within everyone


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